Monday, March 12, 2012


Sorry for not feeding you with words since last update (two months ago), my bloggie.

Let's start this again.

It is not a good thing realising the countdown to The STPM has already started since the beginning of the year.
Not to mention that we are the last badge to take this one of the hardest exams in the world.

Past events in school:

Road Run SMK Batu Lapan 2012.
MUET March exams.
Upper-6ix First term exam.

Well, I performed like shit in this exam.

Never in my whole life my mind was almost completely blank when answering Chemistry and Physics Paper 1 by just looking at the questions as if I haven't learnt before. Frankly speaking, this is definitely my fault for using the last-minute technique. To visualise this: "You are cooking soup with the pressure cooker everyday after school during your exam week, the worst part is you are in it."

The battle of memory is up, to test how well you can remember all these shit.

Last month was struggling with exams, I think I will re-take MUET again. :"(

Those lessons warned me that being a student is a full time job.

So here comes the March holidays, we've got the sounds-so-wrong "Cuti Terancang" and I have my to-do list to complete.

Till then, enjoy!!!! xD